Friday, June 06, 2008

{it's not even near} twilight

Today was one of those whatever-can-go-will-go kinda mornings. Trying to put together one scene for the United Way showcase has proved exceedingly difficult, what with students getting grounded, the boss going on spontaneous vay-cays all the time, and the fact that "Finance" (whoever they are) has become mysteriously incapable of cutting me or my associates a check. Alls I know is: tomorrow at 4 PM, my contract with the Grand Street Settlement will be complete (for now) and although it's been an exciting ride, I'm not disappointed.

A new gig would be nice, though, and I am on a fairly dedicated search for the next project.

I've been doing a lot of Bikram (read: hot n sweaty) Yoga at this shmancy studio in Union Square. It's a nice place to be, if you're rich and pseudo-spiritual, or unemployed and trying to branch out. I fall into this second category. They have a pretty sweet deal on a month of unlimited classes, so several times a week, I go and sweat my sillies out - sometimes next to Casey from Make Me a Supermodel, and his girlfriend, sometimes next to 9 year old children who are better at it than me, and their moms. The thing I like about Bikram is it is usually such a task to just get through it, that I give up, I have no inner monologue, I just listen and sweat and move and sweat and listen, and drink a whole lot of water. Sometimes I think Dear God, I am going to die, let me out of this stinky box full of sweaty people, but then when I leave the room at the end of 90 minutes, I feel incredible. Renewed, relaxed, and like I could give a shit if we have to do a different scene at the United Way Showcase because Adeline's Dad is punishing her.

Need to get a move on. Peace.


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