light in our eyes

Happy Thanksgivin', ya'll. Rusty's next to me on the couch, practicing for the Man in Space show on Saturday night in San Francisco (also, merrily exclaiming "Three thousand and five fans on Facebook! That's more than {insert rival-ish band}! And they opened for {insert band that's only famous cuz of its prettyboy frontman}!). On the adjacent couch, Action Scotty is chillin. Action Scotty hasn't been introduced via blahg before - he's Rusty's brother, a bass player (my favorite kind of person), and has a recurring role on Glee. As the bass player. :)
I spent Monday shootin a student film, where I starred as a jealous girlfriend. Good times! As soon as we wrapped, Rusty, Action Scotty & I hiked it on up to the bay for some fambly time with their parentals and beyond. I am way full of delicious food, and there's a round TWO on Saturday. Their tradition is a "small" gathering on Thursday (this year it was 22 people. Small?), and the "big" celebration is Saturday. Wowzer town.
Anyway, the latter half of my day was (ratherironically) stuffing...envelopes full of my model pics and posting them to modeling agencies.
Off to write more cover letters!
PS Eliza Cummings is my new hero. This makes me feel a bit...well, old...since she's all of 19. Anyway. Dear Universe: Please let me work with that chick.
Labels: Action Scotty, poseypose, Rusty
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