Tuesday, January 06, 2009

grounds for divorce

The Rock of Ages Set. From the THIRD time I saw this show. How is it that I've seen this show 3 times? Everytime the Castaway kids come into NYC, they wanna see this hairbandy bit of ridiculous. But I keep going with. Cuz I like them. And now, I'm afraid the thing has grown on me, somewhat.

It's only 6 days deep into January, and lemme tell ya, what I've seen of 2009...is fantastic!

I heart 2009.

Firstly, an ALLIES update: please check out Allies the Musical.com, and reserve your seats now for our concert reading at the Zipper! The script is totally revamped and pure rock n' roll melodrama. I'm sure in the process of developing this thing, it'll go through a million other incarnations, but after this last draft, I feel like we're reading to kick it out in front of a live audience.

I am so grateful for Foxfire for bringing me on the project, and trusting me with her brainchild. I've never written as part of a team before, and it's been an altogether wonderful experience thus far.

Later on this month comes the NBR Award dinner, another Baby Bear shoot, Infernal Machine-ing; Later on this week comes an outing to the midnight madness Rocky Horror Picture Show (haven't been to one in ages!), possible Fuerzabruta, a Young Playwrights reception (haven't been to YPI in ages either!)...and who knows what else. Exciting times.

Plus, Obama! Obama! Obama!

Yeah, the economy sucks. Life's tough. But I'm in the mood to say yes, and to accept every invitation. To be boldly optimistic, and stop letting the weight of the world prevent artmaking. So half of Broadway's gone dark. So what. I'll do a show in my living room.

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