Monday, December 24, 2007


Brother is listening to the All Saints. Or rather, Brother is having us all listen to the all saints. "All" being Sarah Mae and myself. It's 12:30 AM on Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning. For everything being so super different, this scene is remarkably like last year.

The differences:

-Brother is only here for a few weeks, before returning to snowy Wisconsin to continue his edumacation at Lawrence College. There are so many people whose college graduations I am HIGHLY anticipating, and his is certainly the highest. Let's see...three and a half years left to go!

-I will be going to Arkansas in two days. "But ah," you say, "You did that very thing last year." Correct! But last year I did not return with Man and all of Man's earthly posessions in a rental van. Last year I spent New Year's at the apartamento, making Pina Coladas and playing Scene It!, and following drunken friends in the rain through the village. This year, I will be in a hotel, probably in Tennessee, and I will hopefully be pouring champagne all over Man's chest.


-Mom's new boyfriend, Teach, is here. I am a fan of Teach. He fits in with all the weirdness here.


And without further adieu, I will start a new entry for THE BEST of 2007.