Monday, June 29, 2009

forever in my life

How to even begin with catch up?

The US reading went...well, it couldn't have gone better. I guess this is what it feels like to have a passion project get somewhat realized. HAIR was my last big love, and sitting in the back of Rita Morgenthau for this felt similarly exhilarating. Only different. Less like hurtling myself off of a cliff and not being sure if I was going to land. No, with this group of artists, landing was very much assured.

My dear metal friend, Mr. Ken Pierce, and his photographer Peter Parrella were kind enough to cover the reading in detail, and I am truly honored. Check it out:

Piercing Metal talks about US

In the days since, I've been somewhat recuperating while determining my next move while preparing a reading package for Mr. Gabriel while bopping around NYC for the usual summertime fun. I've been missing the hell out of Rusty, who had to return West to record with Please Do Not Fight on their new EP. I'll be seeing a good deal of the other coast as the summer progresses - a mid-July visit to LA, and a late August stint in Oregon on the staff of Not Back to School Camp. Remember my mention of learning to dress like a lady, back in February? Well, my tights-as-shirt apparently made a lasting my staff bio, NBTSC director (the amazing Grace) has written: "Maggie was a camper back in 2001-2002, during which time she taught hip-hop workshops, sang a lot with Abbi, and wore ripped up pairs of tights as shirts."

Word. Maybe I'll rip up a new pair for the occasion.

Tights aside, I am very excited about returning and working with unschoolers. Back in the day, I used to get a major recharge of my spiritual battery by being out in the forest frolicking with a group of such alternatively-minded people. It's been seven years...bout time for a recharge!

On the work horizon, I've been asked to direct (or put in directing input, as I will be away for part of the rehearsal period) a reading of a musical written by my very good, old school pal Daniel Kelley. Daniel used to have a silent 3 in the middle of his name. He also used to write really hysterical, brilliant plays, and still does. I'm also directing/co-conceptualizing (there has got to be a shorter way to say that!) a one-man show for/with Ryan Bogner, based on the songs of Ben Folds. Um, hells yes. Plus Ryan (who was stage direction-reader for ALLIES, and a Company member in US) is a killer singer, and great I get to spend my summer working with great, talented writer dudes. Fine by me.

I almost forgot about working with Foxfire's pal Stephen Amato - another funny, talented writer dude. We're hoping to put together an evening or several of spectacular "straight plays" (Maggie do a non-musical?! Crazytalk!) that Real Theatre will likely produce...perhaps in conjuction with Foxfire's production company...or perhaps we'll form the mega-production-company that's already unofficially begun...

It's late and we'll see. We'll see. We'll see.


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Friday, June 05, 2009

US Cast

BROOKE JACE: Celina Carvajal
HUNTER JACE: Bryce Ryness
MESA JACE: Robin Skye

ZEPHYR: Jason Tam
DREW: Kevin Massey

HELEN: Helen Highfield
ANTHONY: Anthony Stanford

Dylan Bandy
Danielle Bensky
Ryan Bogner
Kai Chapman
Bryce Hodgson
Megan Neale
Laura Sessoms
Lauren Schacher
David Rubin
& Katie Venezia


seduced by the noise and the bright things that glisten

Pre-production for the US reading is in full swing. Rehearsals start on Monday. I never thought I'd get here. Last year, around this time, US Version One went kersplat. I met Foxfire for the first time, when she came into that room with wretched acoustics in the corner of the Shetler penthouse, and blew our minds singing "Alone." I went home and downloaded the song that night (wasn't too familiar with Heart's work back then!). The next morning, I called Deb (musical director for US) and asked:

"Do you really think I oughta hire her without a callback?"

See, in my mind, the character of Brooke Jace was possibly bi-racial, small, and brooding. She definitely had dark features, dark hair, and could rock a leather jacket like this little townie girl I knew from upstate. No one has ever worn a leather jacket as good as that girl did.

Brooke Jace was not a tall, milk-white starlet with shockingly red hair. But Ms. Foxfire Carvajal had a voice that I could not forget. A voice that could and would morph my entire vision of this character.

"I think if you don't hire that girl now, someone else is gonna get her fast," Deb said.

I called Foxfire's agent. When I didn't get the agent, I immediately panicked, and called her manager.

Thus, Team Allies was sort of born.

Tonight, as I tweak the opening of Act II for Monday's rehearsal, I can't help but be grateful for...well...everything. Oh, I know, SHMALTZY Maggie. Thanking the universe again! It's not like that all the time. When things are petty and icky and like, arrgh rehearsal space and arrgh budget, I usually don't feel like blogging. I feel like watching "Superbad" or playing iPod solitaire. I feel like camping out in my house and not returning phone calls. But I have gotten way better, since last year, at that phase lasting one hour, as opposed to one week or one month. And I have been so blessed in 2009, when things are good, it is good to remember to open my arms up and whisper-screech "Thank you!!" to my dark room. To whatever forces are listening.

I am such a hippie.

In eleven days, US will be LIVE! Heard out loud! A tangible something I can point at.

Just the start, really. Aiming for "pet project" phase. Where we build a Manor with magical whirlygigs inside and out, and have King Arthur shows opening in Australia. Ahem.

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