Sunday, November 23, 2008

between love and hate

I had a weekend.

Such a weekend.

I've been ruminating and renovating my life, as well as repainting everything the color of a purple My Little Pony. Mom and I shuffled all the stuff around and now this place looks...well...very different. All that's left to do is walk around with a smudge stick, and I may have the aura of Man fully removed from my living space.

Love is such a strange experience. I am grateful to the universe for teaching me what it has, so far, about the L-Word, and I am grateful to whatever gene I got that allows me to fall so hard. I like feeling like I've dropped from a deathly height into a puddle. I'm still a little shocked that Man and I are DONE DONE and DONE. One expects that after a hard fall and a six year journey together, that it will not end in such an ugly, common fashion. But hey, it's all been real interesting. And I wish him major well-ness.

Back to the regularly scheduled Fledgling Director news. Which does relate to above item, regarding Love.

First off, Allies is coming along very well. First official table read is coming up December 2nd, and I will meet these lovely actors Foxfire speaks so highly of. Prior to that, I've invited Sessoms, Jive and Nelly over on Wednesday for an unofficial table read so I won't be unpleasantly shocked by anything read aloud in December. I had enough nasty moments during the table readings of US - realizing some deep, heartfelt monologue in your head sounds like absolute crap in the mouth of a great

Saw a reading at the Lark last night with Stormy. It is definitely reading season - last week, Marty from At Hand hosted a reading of his show (which I can't help but call "School Shooting - The Musical!" in my head, but in truth, is title-less at the moment), then upcoming there's the Allies reading, Sessoms' play reading, the America reading (more on that later)'s a readathon, folks. This reading was part of a Mexican playwright exchange thing, and the play itself was kinda like The Wire on the water (as Stormy's fella put it) or a Tarantino movie in boats. Afterwards, there was catch-up, good food and margaritas with Stormy & the entire production. Good times.

I carried on from there to meet up with Boss, and carried on...and carried on...until some ungodly hour.

I must speak of 'America' - this choreopoem I was given by a playwright named Kim Yaged. This woman is absolutely awesome, and I love this piece like I haven't loved a new work maybe...ever. It might be a years-and-years undertaking, but awesome. Bring it.

And since I haven't yet posted, please check out The Good Idea Gang in Paper Planes!

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

all grown ups are pirates

Where have I been?

I don't know.

Life's been a little on the topsy turvy side.

But what you should know, dearest blog readers (do I have those? I'm not even sure.), is that ALLIES is set for a concert reading at the Zipper on January 26th, 2009! Wicked exciting.

Also on the horizon - costumes for Firebird at Talent Unlimited, another show at Norman Thomas. Lots of readings and stuff for RTC, although that definitely requires some extra assembly. Every night this week, I'm at a reading or a meeting or a discussion about a new show. Exciting, but I'm ready to be out of Phase One. Done talkin. Let's DO somethin.


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Saturday, November 01, 2008

a millie

ROCKY was incredible fun. I don't want to go deep into it without the photos available online. There are millions. The magic, the makeup, it must be seen to be believed.

I shall soon return to my reality in NYC. I look forward to the COMPLETION of Paper Planes (finally!), the continued work on Allies, and to one day, hopefully soon, seeing Man when he returneth from Arkansas, where he's been taking care of his Dad. However, I'm sticking round one more night to go roller skating with the Creatures of the Night.

We're pretty tame Creatures. Post-show, we went to a diner. But that's basically what there is to do after 2 AM in K-Town.

I'm very very excited about meeting Linus, the guy who ran lights for the show, who's also a photographer & a filmmaker. His site, which should be featuring some Rocky photos soon, is here. He can crip-walk. (Crypt-walk? Krip-walk? I dunno, I live in El Barrio, but sometimes I'm still just a white girl.) Mostly excited because he's also into the music video thing, and perhaps he can teach me some stuff about it.

more soon


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