Friday, January 22, 2010

let's go crazy!

Look what I made!

With the help of Miss Bensky & Rusty himself, this galactic makeup was created for Rusty's Lady Gaga audition. He made it several rounds in, and looked damn amazing as he did so.

The Gaga audition was a SCENE. Rusty graciously let me loiter about and fuss over him...if I had tried to go anywhere or do anything else, I wouldn't have been able to focus to save my life. Anyway, it's been awhile since I've been to a cattle call, and this one, though containing musicians instead of actors, was the most chaotic mess I've ever encountered. Callback day was significantly calmer, albeit still strangely disorganized. Weird.

Now Rusty's back on the West Coast, and I'm back to taking my laptop into bed with me. I got hired (thanks to my rad visual-artist cousin Samantha) to do some costuming for a production of "Alice in Wonderland" going up at the Actor's Temple in about a week. The job requires some sprucing up of old pieces and the creation of some new ones. Either way, Alice is my JAM, so I'm a merry sequin-gluin' tulle-sewin' gal.

Maggie Moon

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I found a dress! And I signed fancy people in, to award each other things. It was fun. I got a bunch of swag, drank a lot of champagne, caught up with old friends. Stood next to Sam Rockwell, shook hands with Woody Harrelson. It was neat.

Now I'm off to see the finale costumes that Minnie and I worked so hard to make in Talent Unlimited's production of "A Chorus Line"....stoked!


Saturday, January 09, 2010

to do list: january oh-ten edition

tomorrow, sunday, i need to:

-buy dress for National Board of Review awards on Tuesday
-do laundry, for f's sake
-NOT watch another episode of The Tudors
-purchase large quantity of spray glitter in varying shades of gold
-go to pole class (goodbye holiday slack-body)
-write another song on the rad keyboard that Rusty got me for Xmas (yes, i'm bragging)
-begin aggressively pursuing second HAUS venue
-continue Watermill application
-put Real Theatre paperwork in envelopes and binder
-brainstorm re: amazing fundraising ideas in crap economy with only art on my side
-invoice people
-meditate on creating magic for the masses