u got the look

Today's post is sponsored by the Purple One himself.
Not for any particular reason - one should never need a reason for more Prince in one's life.
Last I spoke was still somewhat in the ALLIES-reading aftermath, which resulted in some partying and hobnobbing around NYC as Foxfire's winglady. The advantages? I'm actually paying attention to the clothes I wear - a long overdue step in my Becoming a Grown Up. As a teenager, I was ultraconcerned with clothes...in the sense that I took great pains to be the weirdest/flashiest dressed person in the room. Lots of leopard print, stripes, ripped up fishnets, and white eye makeup. In fact, observe interesting fashion choices Exhibit A - age 17, at Not Back to School Camp in Oregon:

Yeah...I was wearing a pair of tights as a shirt. Not that they look so terrible, but that was like dressing down for me in 02. I wish there were pictures of me during my vinyl-or-neon-or-both-midriff-shirt-period. I had a midriff shirt for every day of the week.
I think I wore that tight-shirt on my first date with Man, actually. I know why it was originally created - Valentine's Day date with Boy, also in 02. We both wore lots of red and saw Chicago. Having a gay boyfriend wouldn't really work for me nowadays, but back then, it was a lot of fun.
Getting back to 2009 - I'm learning to dress nice, on a budget, since ALLIES and US are not, you know, on Broadway or in Vegas or touring internationally. Yet. And I'm finding that my guy friends are strangely more aware of how to dress than I am. Especially, lifesaver of all lifesavers, Mr. Plaid from all plaidout. He helped me out majorly today, so I encourage you...my little base of blog-followers (I know there are a few of you!)...if you haven't already, pay plaidout a visit.
Foxfire and I took a trip to Calli-forn-ya to talk ALLIES with some folks. The talking went quite well; I saw Jeff (who took an old NP reference about taco salad literally and met me at a Mexican restaurant) who looks better than ever, and most significantly, I (re)connected with a friend from the aforementioned Not Back to School Camp - Rusty. And he rocks, in oh so many ways. He is supposedly building a blog for his glamtastic band over the next few days, so I'll link it up once there's an address.
Aussie has joined the creative team for America, and we're FINALLY FINALLY casting that this week - since the playwright (K) got it into the Downtown Urban Theatre Festival. Performance on May 15th, huzzah! Choreopoeming here I come! The piece is also the kickoff artistic event in a larger thing that K is organizing, called The America Project, which will organize and connect all varieties of humanitarians in North & South America.
Expect updates to the Real Theatre website very soon. We're working on an event for the School of Visual Arts in May, right before America happens, and co-producing "Songs for a New World" with Kalish, the amazingly tenacious chick who was our SM for Hair (round 1, at NP).
Til next time,
Labels: Allies, America, Aussie, Boy, Foxfire, Hair, K-Town, Kalish, Man, Mr. Plaid, Nei-Play, Rusty, Songs for a New World, SVA